About Me

Welcome to my (hopefully awesome) About Me page! I've never actually been good at writing things like these but I figured I would do my best and give it a shot so here goes nothing.....

Soooo....why nature? And probably more importantly why obscure nature? Well, for one thing, I've always had a thing for all things nature and for some reason I seem to also have a thing for certain animals and plants that don't seem to get as much....I guess you can say "air time" as certain other animals and plants do, or if they do it's always severely misconstrued to the point where the animal or plant ends up with a less than deserving reputation.

Take the Vulture for example. When most people of Vultures they think of repulsive, absolutely disgusting birds that are after nothing but our flesh. No one really thinks about how Vultures are Mother Nature's cleanup crew. Vulture's are scavengers helping to keep the environment clean by disposing of the carcasses of dead animals and in doing so they actually are killing harmful bacteria that may threaten us along with all of the other species that we share our world with. Without them the risk of deadly diseases spreading would skyrocket through the roof. Unfortunately, however, several species of Vulture are now facing extinction.

It is my hope that with this blog that creatures like this will get the recognition that they deserve, even if it's just a little bit.

So get ready, it's going to be one very wild and very, VERY obscure ride!

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